Lister Engine Dating Guide


A detailed dating guide for identifying year of manufacture of Lister engines made from 1909 to the 1970’s.

The first section on this page gives dates for Lister engines made up to 1952, below this you will find details on how to date engines from 1952 to the 1970’s.

Lister Engine Build Dates from 1909 to 1952

This table gives a rough guide to dating Lister engines up to 1952 by serial number. It is important to note that there are conflicting numbers in the period from 1910 to 1951, there are also large gaps in this period where no accurate data was available for production dates, however we have used data supplied from a number of sources to help fill in these gaps as best as we can. Whilst this data can not be treated as accurate for production dates, it does give an approximate time period these engines were made.

Notes & Information About This Guide

  • *Conflicting data from various sources on first engine number made in year.
  • **Gives an approximate number using shipping and delivery dates (Very Rough Guide Only), these numbers will be constantly updated as new data arises.
  • Petrol (Not D & F): Includes all petrol, paraffin (kerosene) and gas models in the H to R range and Junior models A, AK, B, BK. At engine number 79999 In March 1929 the numbers jumped to 200000, this was to prevent conflict with the Lister D’s engine numbering.
  • Diesel CS Types: This column includes 3/1, 5/1, 10/2, JP1 & JP2. Types 3.5-1, 6-1, 12-2 & 21-2 are the same as types 3-1, 5-1, 10-2 & 18-2 at the higher speed.
  • Diesel JP 27/3 38/4: 30-3 and 40-4 are the same as 27-3 and 38-4 at the higher speed.
YearPetrol (Not D & F)D & F EnginesG1/G2 EnginesDiesel CS Types
3/1, 5/1, 9/1, 18/2
Diesel JP 27/3 38/4Diesel CDDiesel CE









1918- - - - -




1922- - - - -

1923*34557 (34561)

1924*38053 (38075)

1925*44844 (44848)

1926*53073 (53300)80000

1927*61234 (61579)- - - - -

192869628- - - - -

192978096- - - - -

1930*208768 (208811)92763


1932220614- - - - - -
- - - -- - - -

1934225968- - - - - -
- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -
1935*229736 (230010)115469500139023338351713381161
1936*233648 (233999)123609756183454964353086381924
1937*237994 (238316)131694158322717338354453382641
1938*242483 (242858)1402082470282552538356070383498
1939*245465 (245762)1489453158325253376356671384117
1940*248821 (248820)1573574246362883849357598384769
1941*252370 (252369)1647525501404997723358300385352
1942*254678 (254677)17220866904327910655359023385861
1943*256490 (256489)18017780724551914433359545386517
1944*257976 (258013)18683394864786717428360198387120
1945*258736 (258824)192330105744976625308360561387862
1946*260796 (260928)199156115385252227502361100388449
1947*262275 (262273)1/7270122015615128785361728388450
1948*263721 (263706)1/13839129126013729654362383389052
1949*268063 (268038)1/24906140236486731259363097389547
1950*272800 (272806)1/41652151707332833096363777390733
1951*275829 (275860)1/58715161688508235043365064392012
1952278881- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -

Lister Engine Number Dating 1952 to the 1981

The following method is used to identify Lister Engines made from the 1st of January 1952 (For D Type & A, AK, B & BK Juniors, see table details below on dating these later engines).

  1. From the 1st of January each year all engine numbers start back a 1 (One) for all engine types.
  2. Model/type of engine – e.g. D, 6, JP, FR, SL, HA etc (Note that the CD & CE engines were not included in this numbering system).
  3. Method of cooling, and if the engine is paraffin it will be indicated.
    • Hopper Cooled …. H
    • Radiator Cooled …. R
    • Tank Cooled …. Nothing
    • Paraffin Engines …. K
  4. Reverse Rotation engines are indicated by the letter “Z” following the letter indicating cooling method.
  5. After all of the above the figure will indicate year, this number is added to 1950 to give you year of manufacture e.g. the number 2 will be for 1952, the number 3 will be for 1953, the number 10 will be 1960, the number 11 will be 1961, the number 16 will be for 1966 and so on.


  • The 135th Lister D type hopper cooled paraffin engine made in 1952 would look like: 135DKH2
  • The 425th Lister D type tank cooled petrol engine made in 1953 would look like: 425D3
  • The 157th Lister FR4 tank cooled reverse rotation made in 1962 would look like: 157FR4Z12

Lister D & Junior Engine Dating from 1952 to End

YearA TypeB TypeD Type
1962A12B12- - - -

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